
I made the following changes to this blog:

Added links in the header to reference identification material using <li><a href>.

Added <div id=header> and <h1 id='blog-title">.

<ItemPage><a href="Plant Identification Questions'></ItemPage>.

<p id="description"><Ask any plant related questions></p>.

I uploaded an image into the header
*I found it very frustrating and difficult editing a template online.

I wasn't able to make several changes because I was restricted and received errors."
I removed all of the footer css from template.

Added Nav, nav ul, nav ul li, and nav ul li a:link, nav ul li a:visited CSS.

I increased the paged width by 5px.

I changed the font family in the body to Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif
I added my blogger profile.

Created flavicon.

Changed search bar.

Added additional links in the side bar.

Added followers button.

Added Blog Archieves.

Made several posts.


Lobster Claw

Heliconia bourgaeana

Tropical plants are definitely one of my favorite groups of plants.  Here we have a Lobster Claw growing naturally in a forested area in the Yucatan Peninsula in the city of Playa del Carmen, Mexico.  These flowers are vividly attractive and large.  Lobster Claws are in the genus called Heliconiaceae.  This species is called bourgaeana.  These flowers produce nectar which attract some insects but mostly hummingbirds.  One additional fact about Heliconia's is that they are one of the very few flowers to be pollinated by bats.